SPIRIT Racing Systems

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Rolls Are Back??? Buggy but ~mask edition~

It’s been an interesting return back to buggy. Everything is in full swing and “normal” besides us having to wear masks. In short, we have been doing a great job at handling the routine aspects of rolls and buggy - all the regular stuff, but could do better in terms of getting to where we want to be in respect to our goals that we outlined in the summer. Read below about how each day of rolls has gone, and enjoy the multitude of memes, pictures, and videos from this season so far :)))

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Sunday, 9/19/2021

We had a bit of an earlier start to rolls this year with having them on Sunday, 9/19.

Us chairs had our pre-rolls meeting the morning of the day before and it was unfortunately SO far from the rolls we wanted it to be (Maame was less realistic). First rolls???? It should have been the most hype! But in reality - this was a somewhat rough day of rolls. But we did it! We made it through the first full-on rolls after a long while. We had so many great new people on the team who carried it!! It was a strange realization though to see that most everyone was new to doing regular buggy. Yet, everyone adapted really well, especially on the mechanic front. A big factor in the franticness of this rolls was issues with roll order and the physical state of the course. The course was ALL over the place—milled in one spot, paved at another, sand all up in the chute, etc. But what else is new?

We had 3 rounds of rolls in total for this day.

Sector by sector:

  • Pushers had fun pushing the buggy for the first time, since it was a “slower” day of rolls, the pushers used an agility between rolls to workout and fill in time

  • New drivers had a good roll, and same for returning drivers

  • Flaggers chillin

  • Media and Design got footage

  • Mechanics - pace of rolls was faster than expected, but GR8 adaptation from the new mechs

Saturday, 9/25/2021

This day of rolls went MUCH smoother than the first rolls. It was also Noni’s bday and arguably one of the best rolling days! It was super slow again, but on the pusher side everyone kept busy during all the downtime and did a whole bunch of challenges with the agility set/filmed a couple of tik toks. Afterwards we went for a post rolls breakfast. It was a really good time/productive rolling day!

Saturday, 10/2/2021

At this point is when we realized we had a limited amount of rolls.

For example, the absurd delays. In what world, do you have to fight a flock of geese off your course??? During our 2nd roll, we had 3 buggies at the top of the hill - 2 were sent down into an oncoming heavy fog, and met with stop flags at the chute with about 30 geese standing around, and the 3rd wasn’t sent down as the first 2 had to stop. Members of our team had to single handedly command these geese off the course.

Turnout for this weekend was pretty okay, new people!

Saturday, 10/10/2021

See the BAA’s rolls report for more about this day of rolls. Rolls Report - October 10.


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MISC Photos

MISC Videos

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Shout out to the team for handling this return back to buggy with graceee. We do have a lot of work to do moving forward. Due to us not having a weekend of 2 days of rolls, and the lack of rolls each day that we roll with weather and police and geese - we have to do some course correction on how we approach our goals for the semester and year.

Additionally, build is happening and recruiting never stops!!


Maame, Noni, & Cynthia