Mini-Raceday 2022
We rolled Seraph (driven by Cynthia), Kingpin (driven by Lara), and Mapambazuko (driven by Natalie) for Mini Raceday
P.S. Peep the fairings on Seraph - Shoutouts to our mechanics!
SPIRIT House post rolls
Team meeting
Mini-Raceday 2022 was an excellent day for SPIRIT despite only 2 rolls. We got to show our first bit of pace. A few hiccups here and there but nothing we couldn’t handle. The atmosphere of the day was incredible, with one of the largest crews popping out to rolls this semester; it was pure magic seeing everyone meld together so well. One of the biggest takeaways from this day was the sheer potential that this SPIRIT team has. With the proper training and bonding, the squad can become the best team out there. We’re so proud of this SPIRIT team already!
Pushers had a good day out there with PLENTY of legs to get our buggies up the hills. Push captain Om was thrilled by the spirit of the team, saying, “We were looking fast as F*** out there today. The energy today was SO nice. Imagine having this energy every single rolls, with all these people out here getting all this practice in… if we continue this… imagine Raceday.”
The drive out there could be described in one word, FAST. The drivers were pushing it to the limit, and it was evident throughout the timesheets. Our newest driver, Natalie, described Mini-Race Day as “super fun! Having a full women’s push team was a new experience for me, and I absolutely loved driving with them! The energy from everyone on the team was electric, and it was just one of those rolls when everyone was at the top of their game and supporting everyone else.”
Mechs had a couple of issues but pushed through, getting in some faster runs. Head Mech Tony wasn’t afraid of sharing his feelings about the day’s pace and energy “ We got to remind the teams that we’re legit and are gonna beat them on race day.”
Media-Design had a great day of footage and a new recruit. With mini-race day being a more significant event than usual rolls, the media team had their hands full getting as many pictures and footage as possible. Despite the pressure of the day, the head of media design, Anishwar, was still his usual relaxed and funny self, saying, “ Thank you all for doing memeable things; you’ll make it to the hype video if you keep this behavior up.”
Flaggers: A great day with the usual loads of yelling at people. Flaggers enjoyed getting to watch the pace of our buggies as they entered the chute from free rolls. Jacob said it was “Overall good times… literally.”

I’m a pusher too!!!
We had A LOT of pusher representation on mini-race day. It felt like everyone you walked into was a pusher that day. There was a comedic moment when doing introductions (for the second time) where a LONG chain of pushers introduced themselves. I mean, at that point, maybe I’m just a pusher and don’t know it yet.
Sock shoe sock shoe??
So how do you put on your socks and shoes? Chair Chloe had an exciting conversation with the pushers as they stretched. Now to preface this, you have probably only ever put on your socks and shoes in one way and assumed it was the only logical path; however, Chloe begs to differ.
Place | Team (Varies) | Time |
1st | PiKA | 2:20.13 |
2nd |
SPIRIT Mens 2S |
2:21.662 |
3rd |
SPIRIT Mens 1S |
2:24.966 |
4th | PiKA | 2:25.671 |
5th | SDC | 2:25.713 |
6th | SigEp | 2:26.283 |
7th | PiKA | 2:27.060 |
8th | SDC | 2:28.423 |
9th | PiKA | 2:29.120 |
11th | CIA | 2:29.223 |
12th | CIA | 2:29.481 |
13th | SigEp | 2:31.481 |
14th |
2:35.159 |
15th | Fringe | 2:36.895 |
16th | Apex | 2:37.228 |
17th | SPIRIT M2K |
2:38.408 |
18th | CIA | 2:40.471 |
19th | Apex | 2:42.584 |
20th | Apex | 2:52.923 |
21st | Apex | 2:56.923 |
22nd | CIA | 2:57.296 |
23rd | SigNu | - |
24th | SigNu | - |
Place | Team (varies) | Time |
1st |
SPIRIT Womens 1 |
2:59.534 |
2nd | CIA | 3:02.006 |
3rd | SigEp | 3:14.445 |
4th | CIA | 3:18.019 |
5th |
SPIRIT Womens 2 |
3:19.567 |
6th | CIA | 3:20.120 |
7th | CIA | 3:23.129 |
8th | SigEp | 3:32.622 |
Place | Team (varies) | Time |
1st | Apex | 2:42.398 |
2nd | Apex | 3:01.909 |
3rd | Fringe | - |
Place | Team (Varies) | Time |
1st (King) | SigEp - Barracuda | 16.382 |
2nd | PiKA | 17.104 |
3rd | SigEp | 17.157 |
4th | PiKA | 17.355 |
5th | CIA | 17.370 |
6th | CIA | 17.510 |
7th | PiKA | 17.578 |
8th |
17.628 |
9th |
17.822 |
10th | CIA | 17.890 |
11th | PiKA | 17.926 |
12th | Fringe | 18.191 |
13th | SDC | 18.228 |
14th | Apex | 18.767 |
15th | Apex | 19.070 |
16th | SDC | 19.968 |
17th |
20.724 |
18th | Apex | 21.095 |
19th |
21.605 |
20th | CIA | 22.160 |
21st | Apex | 22.247 |
22nd | SigNu | - |
23rd | SigNu | - |
Place | Team (Varies) | Time |
1st (Queen) |
SPIRIT W1 - Mapambazuko |
21.793 |
2nd | SigEp | 25.214 |
3rd | CIA | 26.410 |
4th | CIA | 28.190 |
5th | SigEp | 28.261 |
6th |
32.599 |
7th | CIA | 34.890 |
8th | CIA | 34.944 |
We were visited by a couple of SPIRIT buggy alumni. Tom and Joe brought valuable insights and words of encouragement, as well as some comedy. Joe even relived some of his “good old days” by getting in a push on hill 3. It’s always awesome to have alumni come by; it motivates us to step up our game.
Tom, “The energy feels good; you guys are tight and clean, so keep that up.”
Joe, “Great to see everyone out there and great efforts.”
A special day of rolls means a special post-rolls breakfast! The team gathered at the SPIRIT House for our usual breakfast. It was a warm atmosphere, especially with everyone cramming into the little living room; the couch seated at least 6 people at one point. Once you join SRS, you don’t just join a buggy team, you become a part of a family, and that notion couldn’t have been more evident at breakfast.

Driver Jenga
Drivers are a special kind of person, and we don’t fully understand why they do what they do; who would get into a little tube and get sent down a hill just centimeters off the ground??? So let's be honest here, driver Jenga isn’t that out of the ordinary; “ This is the SRS chaos we love to see.” - Driver Natalie.
Crosswords! yes we really are nerds here
Doing a crossword while munching down on some breakfast is a classic pastime. Andrés (me!), one of our new media-design recruits, caught some of the pushers’ eyes with his crossword. What started out as just Andrés and Kay doing mini crosswords quickly turned into several more pushers, plus Rubin trying to solve a full-size crossword. We weren’t amazing, but we finished the puzzle before breakfast was over, so we took the W.
Is it Seth’s app???
In another section of SPIRIT house, some members of the team were obsessing over this app called Juggle Balls (yes, that is literally the name). And then, Seth and Maame go back and forth about whether it was Seth’s app or not cause Seth be lying, but he also makes apps for real. What do y’all think, did Seth in fact make this app? Like, he’s serious but is he REALLY serious???
Yup, we are just that crazy…crazy cool!
A little post-mini-race day relay race? Sounds like a FIRE plan! If anyone was around Gesling stadium that morning, they could probably hear us, perhaps a muffled “oh, she catching, she catching!” or “ that's interference!”... we take our relays VERY seriously.
whew! that was a lot but it was epic. That’s all from me srs fam.
Enjoy some content from Mini-Raceday Fall 2022!
2023 Sweepstakes are on April 15th, 2023
Weeks | Days | Hours | Minutes | Seconds |